Serious Games
Image created with Magic Studio AI art generator. Confirmed image was not directly sourced from elsewhere via Google Lens reverse image search.
Serious games are games designed to extend beyond entertainment in order to address serious goals, such as health- or learning-related goals (Becker, 2021). This page details serious games in Maura’s portfolio. Please feel free to contact Maura with any questions or collaboration requests.
A Clear/Loud Speech Game for Parkinson’s Disease
Players with Parkinson’s disease and their teammates unite as they compete to communicate loud and CLEARLY!
Team Members & Roles:
Maura Philippone - Narrative Designer
Madeline Allen - UX Designer
Jesse Sanderson - Graphic Designer
Adam Elfawal - Game Developer
⭐ CLEARLY! uses a pink-green color scheme to accommodate tritanopia, or blue-yellow colorblindness, which is the most prevalent colorblindness subtype in Parkinson’s disease (Birch et al., 1998).